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Marketing Support Dan Sales Project - Bintangkala


Marketing Support
PT Cisangkan - Bandung
Wanita , Sudah Menikah (Diutamakan)

Usia antara 25-35 tahun

Pendidikan minimal D3 , dari semua jurusan (Diutamakan Teknik Sipil)

IPK ≥ 2.75

Diutamakan mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang Marketing minimal 2 tahun

Memiliki mobilitas yg tinggi

Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yg baik

Berpenampilan rapi , menarik dan percaya diri

Penempatan di Head Office Bandung

Bersedia melaksanakan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota
Bandung Location Rahasia Salary Range (IDR) Pemasaran (Non-Teknis) Job Function Pemula / Staf Career Levels Setidaknya 2 tahun Experience Teknik Sipil Education Diploma Degree
About the Company
Bandung Headquarters Corporate URL
Manufaktur Industry
PT Cisangkan , founded in 1974 , has successfully pioneered and actively creating new product innovations in the production of pre-cast concrete , which makes PT Cisangkan as a pioneer in the field of concrete-based manufacturing.

Since then , PT Cisangkan play a significant role in the development of the concrete industry , not only at the local level , but also at national and international level.

Of the three offices that we have now , PT Cisangkan able to provide good services to many clients , such as gkelewat / overnment bodies , architects , developers and also contractors both on private and public sectors.

PT Cisangkan as one of the leading independent concrete fabricator company in Indonesia , also provides international services to provide added value to the construction industry in any kind of pre-cast concrete products.

Our reputation for quality and manufacturing excellence , has placed PT Cisangkan at the top ranks of home building material provider in Indonesia.

Sales Project
PT Cisangkan - Bandung

Usia maksimal 30 tahun

Pendidikan minimal S1 , dari semua jurusan (Diutamakan Teknik Sipil & Manajemen)

IPK ≥ 2.75

Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bidang marketing minimal 1 tahun

Fast and good learner , jujur , berniat penuh untuk bekerja , bertanggung jawab , mempunyai inisiatif dan motivasi kerja yg tinggi , high achievement orientation , serta sanggup bekerja sama dalam tim

Memiliki SIM A dan C

Penempatan di Head Office Bandung

Bersedia melaksanakan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota
Bandung Location Rahasia Salary Range (IDR) Penjualan (Non-Teknis) Job Function Pemula / Staf Career Levels Setidaknya 1 tahun Experience Administrasi Bisnis (Manajemen) , Teknik Sipil Education Sarjana/S1 Degree
About the Company
Bandung Headquarters Corporate URL
Manufaktur Industry
PT Cisangkan , founded in 1974 , has successfully pioneered and actively creating new product innovations in the production of pre-cast concrete , which makes PT Cisangkan as a pioneer in the field of concrete-based manufacturing.

Since then , PT Cisangkan play a significant role in the development of the concrete industry , not only at the local level , but also at national and international level.

Of the three offices that we have now , PT Cisangkan able to provide good services to many clients , such as gkelewat / overnment bodies , architects , developers and also contractors both on private and public sectors.

PT Cisangkan as one of the leading independent concrete fabricator company in Indonesia , also provides international services to provide added value to the construction industry in any kind of pre-cast concrete products.

Our reputation for quality and manufacturing excellence , has placed PT Cisangkan at the top ranks of home building material provider in Indonesia.

Labels:Job vacancy

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